Top 10 things to do in St Helena

What we would recommend you do on St Helena!

Meet Jonathan the tortoise

Estimated to be between 170 and 200 years old, Jonathan is St Helena’s oldest Saint, and the oldest living land creature in the world! A national treasure Jonathan is one of several giant tortoises that live in the grounds of Plantation House. Thought to have arrived on the Island in 1882, he lives with David and Emma (who arrived in 1969), and Myrtle and Fredrika, (arriving in 1972).

Go on a tour with Aaron

Aaron's an experienced local tour guide that has been taking visitors to the best untouched spots on the island. Offering the adrenaline rush with a 4x4 off-road tour, a leisurely walk or hike along scenic trails, delving into stories ranging from the slave trade era to Napoleon's legacy and the history of Boer war prisoners. Aaron is your man for the best way to tour the island.

Climb Jacob’s Ladder

Jacob’s Ladder is a run of 699 steps, up from Jamestown in the floor of the valley to the fort at Ladder Hill on the western valley slope. It is one of the 7 Wonders of St. Helena and one of the first things you see when arriving into James Bay.  Walking it is an amazing experience.

Walk to the top of the Cloud Forest

Known as Diana’s Peak National Park, Diana’s Peak is is highest place on our island.  Primarily an area for natural wildlife, 393 invertebrate species which have been recorded on the Central Peaks, 217 of which exist only in St. Helena. Made up of 3 summits – Diana’s Peak, Cuckold Point and Mount Actaeon.  All of which you can walk to quite easily for spectacular views across the island.

Go Dolphin and Whale Shark Watching

St Helena offers the chance to see dolphins in the wild and should not be missed. Watch them cavort and dance as nature intended!

Whale sharks and whales are common around St. Helena, and can often be seen from the island. If you are lucky you may be able to get close to one.  There are many operators who offer dolphin and whale watching tours.

Visit Longwood House

One of the 7 Wonders of St. Helena, Longwood House was the final residence of Napoleon Bonaparte, during his exile on St. Helena from 10th December 1815 until his death on 5th May 1821. Situated in the district of Longwood, it offers a fantastic Museum, gardens and is a most peaceful and beautiful place to visit.

Walk to  Heartshaped Waterfall

One of the 7 Wonders of St. Helena.  This is the most loved waterfall on island, it runs mostly in the winter and early spring, fed by the winter rains. In summer it is frequently dry.  Owned by the St Helena National Trust, you can enjoy a pleasant afternoon stroll from Jamestown, under the shade of some trees and refreshing breeze at the end by the waterfall.

Eat some Coconut Fingers

Of course you must!  Coconut fingers are a traditional celebration cake.  It would be unthinkable for any St Helenian celebration for there not to be any coconut fingers.  Usually iced in pink, they are a sponge cake covered in coconut.  Delicious!
Coconut Fingers recipe St Helena Island

Enjoy a cup of St Helena Coffee

St Helena Coffee is one of the best in the world. The Green Tipped Bourbon Arabica bean was brought to the island in the 18th Century and has remained pure and unchanged since that time. With the IUCN officially listed Arabica Coffee as a globally-endangered species, St Helena Coffee has brought more important.

Visit the St Helena Distillery

It is the most remote distillery in the world, the ‘St Helena Distillery’ is one of St Helena’s secrets. Run by Head Distiller Paul Hickling using German-made Holstein spirit distilling equipment imported and installed in 2006 it offers a great selection of locally made drinks. They include a local rum called White Lion, a liqueur made with the fabulous local coffee called Midnight Mist, a Lemon liquor and a local gin called Jamestown Gin – made from Bermuda Juniper the only place in the world to do this.  It all tastes great!!
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