Amazing St Helena Island facts

What makes St Helena so special.

Did you know...

St Helena is home to the oldest living land animal in the world. Named Jonathan the Tortoise.  He is believed to be 188 years old, lives at Plantation House with 4 other tortoises Emily, David, Myrtle and Frederik, and loves to pose for photos.

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St Helena has one of the most expensive Coffees in the world. Handpicked, slow roasted for a smooth floral cup with a chocolatey aftertaste.  Made using globally endangered Green Tipped Bourbon Arabica Coffee.  The coffee strain remains pure and unchanged since first imported in 1733.

Did you know...

You can swim with Whale Sharks around the island. One of the best places in the world to see the majestic Whale Sharks. They visit St Helena from January to March during the year. Only place in the world where humans have seen mating Whale Sharks.

Did you know...

St Helena Island has over 500 species of flora, fauna, invertebrates & fish not found anywhere else in the world. Includes 30 endemic flowering plants, grasses, ferns and hybrids. 455 endemic invertebrates, 10 endemic fish, and 1 endemic land bird. All living within a island only 47 sq miles wide.

Did you know...

Napoleon Bonaparte was a prisoner on St Helena and died there. Exiled to the island in 1815 after he lost the Battle of Waterloo. Imprisoned on island, mostly at Longwood House until his death in 1821. The places where he stayed, and his grave, are now museums you can visit.

Did you know...

St Helena is home to around only 4,500 people. People from St Helena are called ‘Saints’. We’re multi-ethnic, descended from Europeans, African Slaves and Chinese. With an estimated 20-30,000 ‘Saints’ spread around the world.

Did you know...

St Helena has the oldest Anglican Church in the Southern Hemisphere. Called St James Church. Built in 1774, it has remained almost unchanged since then. With an Anglican Church being in this area since 1659.

Did you know...

It's first inhabitant is said to be the main inspiration for Robinson Crusoe. He was a Portuguese soldier named Fernão Lopes.  He lived alone on St Helena for 30 years, with a cockerel as his only friend.
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