Global Saint
Community Map

The first ever global map created to show where the St Helenian community has spread across the globe.
Explore the map see where Saints are living.

The size of the dots show the number of Saint in that location. All data user submitted data. St Helena not reflective of the number of Saints living on Island, included to show where St Helena is in relation to others around the world.
If you're a Saint or descendant of a St Helenian let us know where you are and we'll add it to the map!
Add your location to the map  →

About the map

Undeterred by the restrictions of a global pandemic we were determined to unit people during this difficult time, albeit virtually from the safety of our homes online. As part of our annual St Helena’s Day celebrations, we hosted a live facebook show in 2021 where we made history by launching the first ever Global Saint Community Map. The response from Saints and their descendants around the world was overwhelming. Hundreds added their location, shared posts across social media and encouraged their families and friends to add their locations to the list as well.

The aim of the map is to show where our little Saint family of 4,500 people have spread to around the world. It has been hypothesized that the global Saint community might be as many as 5 or 6 times larger than that of those living on St Helena Island. During the live show we learned about Saints living in 35 countries, and that number has now grown to 42 countries since the original airing in 2021. With Saints living on 6 continents.

The final list of countries we mapped from the live show include  St Helena,  Ascension Island (yes, we’re counting it separate),  Falkland Islands,  Chile,  Costa Rica, , Canada,  United States,  South Africa,  Zimbabwe,  Ghana,  England,  Scotland,  Wales,  Ireland,  Isle of Man,  France,  Belgium,  Luxembourg,  Germany,  Spain,  Portugal,  Italy,  Malta,  Greece,  Bulgaria,  Sweden,  United Arab Emirates,  Oman,  Afghanistan,  India,  China,  Singapore,  Philippines,  Australia,  New Zealand and 🏴󠁡󠁵󠁴󠁡󠁳󠁿 Tasmania.

Since the show we’ve added 🇯🇵 Japan, 🇭🇺 Hungary, 🇲🇿 Mozambique, 🇬🇮 Gibraltar, 🇯🇪 Jersey, and 🇳🇴 Norway. We encourage any Saint or their descendants to get in touch to add their location.

Interestingly we found the highest geographically located Saint in the world lives in Norway.  The lowest lives in Chile.  The most westerly lives in Victoria, Canada and the most easterly living on the South Island of New Zealand.  Not surprisingly most St Helenian’s from the Island live in the UK including Wales, Scotland, Ireland. The furthest any Saint was living from the island was 15,798km away in Japan. With 2 Saints living there.

We were so inspired and humbled by the sheer number of people who reached out to be included as part of the Saint Family. People really took ownership of the idea of being part of a global saint family. Their enthusiasm and support for the project has been incredible.
Although the centrepiece of their our 2021 live St Helena’s day celebration was the building of the community map, We also put on a show that was full of fun, food, drink and dancing.  There was a special birthday Cake in the shape of Napoleon’s Hat with Arum Lillies in honour of the year’s bicentenary Anniversary.  A fun St Helena themed quiz and prize competition with winners in the UK and South Africa.

The Live broadcast was seen by thousands around the world and for the first time broadcast live on Island via the local TV promo Channel.  As we wanted to make the celebration show as accessible as possible for people on the island with limited internet access. Thank you to Adam Yon from Sure St Helena for all your help.  

The show aired for one and a half hours and ran from 8pm in the UK on Facebook live and from 7pm local time on 21st May.

We had great fun!!!
The original map created during the live show
Explore the Global Saint Community Map
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